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In the rhythm of life, new year beckons – a year of new beginnings, a canvas awaiting fresh strokes. As we step into this blank page of the calendar, I encourage us to take a moment. In the fast-paced world we inhabit, it’s easy to lose ourselves in the relentless pursuit of perfection, productivity, and societal expectations.

So, let’s pause.

Beginning of the year it’s a sanctuary of renewal. A time to take a step back from the cacophony of demands that echo in our minds, urging us to be more, do more, achieve more. It’s a time to breathe, to re-evaluate, to embrace the simplicity of being.

But this time I think we should all take a break, a pause from the pressure of January as well. Here at A’MARIE, we tried to make January a month to rest and rejuvenate from all the holidays – busy schedules of lunches and family, the amount of food we don’t usually eat and take a minute or a month to try to hibernate. Release any sense of obligation to establish ambitious goals or enact drastic transformations. Instead, welcome this interval before the year gains momentum to connect with your emotions, recognize and embrace the journey that led you here, and approach the future with grace and gratitude.

In my own journey, I’ve come to cherish the beauty of the little things. The subtle joys that often go unnoticed in the hustle of our daily lives. This year, I invite you to indulge in those little things – a warm cup of tea, a stroll in nature, the pages of a good book, or the laughter shared with loved ones. Find the one that suits you. Inject intention, a purposeful intention into each day. These subtle yet potent sensory experiences of fragrance, visuals, and sound will transport you to your unique moment in time. This year – my intentions are to find a few minutes in the morning just for myself, to set the tone of my day. To learn to cook a new meal, as my form of meditation. To cleanse and refresh my space. Palo Santo or my favourite candles do the magic each time I light them. And to practice self-care. As much as I can to preserve my peace.

In that spirit, we’ve asked our dear A’MARIE girls to share their intentions to life a more thoughtful, wellbeing life.


“Intention has always been a better word for me than decision. Somehow it is milder and if we go into the new year with an intention, we are much gentler with ourselves. In my life and the fast-paced everyday life in which I live, the intention never remains just an idea, but I always turn it into action. For example, if I intend to go on a trip, I book it in advance without much thought and am so sure that it will happen. I take care of myself and my skin in the same way. My intention in this case is omnipresent and I realize it so that my favourite treatments are always on the calendar. At the beginning of this year, it is certainly the SFL (Sculptural Face Lift) treatment that I would recommend to women who are aware of the importance of health, both body and the face.”

It’s a season for tiny habits and intentions that contribute to your well-being, habits that resonate with your soul.

Remember, new year is not a thing to push yourself to unrealistic standards or resolutions that add pressure. It’s a gentle invitation to focus on the whispers of your heart, to embrace the journey, and to cultivate a space where your authenticity can bloom.

As we embark on this new chapter, let’s celebrate the victories of the past, learn from the challenges, and welcome the promise of a new beginning with open hearts.

Here’s to a year of self-care, self-love, and the gentle unfolding of a beautiful year ahead. With gratitude and love,


It’s a season for tiny habits and intentions that contribute to your well-being, habits that resonate with your soul.

Remember, new year is not a thing to push yourself to unrealistic standards or resolutions that add pressure. It’s a gentle invitation to focus on the whispers of your heart, to embrace the journey, and to cultivate a space where your authenticity can bloom.

As we embark on this new chapter, let’s celebrate the victories of the past, learn from the challenges, and welcome the promise of a new beginning with open hearts.

Here’s to a year of self-care, self-love, and the gentle unfolding of a beautiful year ahead. With gratitude and love,



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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj

Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa " Konkurentnost i kohezija"


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